Intrepid Dawn Studios is a family-owned enterprise dedicated to revolutionizing 3D printing standards and enhancing customer service in the retail industry. We believe you deserve excellence.
Among the multitude of Etsy stores offering 3D printed items, a prevalent compromise on quality exists. Many sell prints demanding extensive post-processing, involving prolonged hours of sanding and filling before painting. At Intrepid Dawn Studios, we defy this norm. Our commitment involves utilizing solely industrial-grade machinery across all our printers. In essence, our kits not only save you significant time but also yield superior results.
Over the last three years, our journey has seen us accomplish over 2200 sales on Etsy, maintaining a star seller status, and serving numerous cosplayers. We've constantly reinvested in the latest technology to remain on the cutting edge of the 3D printing industry. In 2023 we've expanded our capabilities further as we now offer laser cutting and CNC machining services.
Excitingly, we've ventured into a new domain as a distributor for TXQ and LGT through our Luminous Sabers brand providing sales and comprehensive support for high-end lightsabers. This expansion isn't unfamiliar territory for us; our founder has been deeply involved in the lightsaber community since well before the establishment of The Custom Saber Shop. We're thrilled to directly share our passion with our customers and eagerly anticipate what the future holds.